Department Of Library

Welcome to Library Department

Library Profile

Library serves as a resource centre and aims to develop a comprehensive collection of books, journals and newspapers useful for students and faculty of the college and provides an efficient dissemination of knowledge . Our college Library was established in the year 1994 with 227 number of books.A well stocked library is an asset to the college.

Our College Library is well furnished with stock and racks. The present Library has more than 6900 volumes.
Internet facility is provided for staff and students with 8 computers with a server and printer. College has subscribed to INFLIBNET NList whichgives access to 91000+ e-books and 6000+ e-journals to promote E Library.
Our College Library Provides Reference section and capacity to accommodate 100 users at a time.
Newspaper section : In English and Telugu Languages 
Periodical Section: Journals/Magzines 30
Back Volumes of Journals Available
Old Question Papers Available


Vision of our college library is to support by providing access to the widest possible spectrum of information resources such as E-Library, print and non-print materials relevant to the curricular, informational and innovative needs of the academic community.

It is a means to provide ‘Right Information to the Right Users at the Right Time and in the Right Format.


To acquire, organize and update the library collection to support teaching-learning process.

To encourage knowledge seekers to read beyond the requirements of the curriculum.

To work with faculty in integrating information skills, knowledge of information sources and the use of technology in accessing information needed to  strengthen their potential.

To provide instruction and assistance in the effective use of learning resources

Library google page Link:


Photo Name Qualification Date of Joining Teaching Experience Bio-data
RAFIA BEGUM M.Li.Sc 15/06/1998 25 Years


Library serves as a resource centre and aims to develop a comprehensive collection of books, journals and newspapers useful for students and faculty of the college and provides an efficient dissemination of knowledge .

Our College Library provides the following facilities

1. News Papers: English and Telugu Languages

2. Magazines

3. E-Journals

4. E-Books

5. Old Question Papers

6. Back Volumes of Journals

7. Free Certificate Courses

8. Library has more than 6900 volumes


List of Activities Conducted by Department of Library

Acadamic Year Name of the Activity Resource Person/ Org EventDate from EventDate to Description
2023-24 World Consumer Rights Day Mrs. S. Nazima Kausar,  Member of District Consumer            15.03.2024 View
Library week celebrations Dept. of Library 14.11.2023 20.11.2023
2022-23 Commemoration of Gadicharla Harisarvothama Rao Dept. of Library 01-03-2023 View
International Human  Rights Day Dept. of Library 10.12.2022
Fevicryl Professional Certified Course- "ARTIST IN  ME' Mrs. K. Harini  & Mrs Chandrika 07.12.2022 17.12.2022
2021-22 Azadi ka Amruth Mahotsav Dept of Library 12.08.2022    15.08.2022  View
Taj Mahotsav Dept of Library 22.02.2022 23.02.2022
2019-20 Arts & Crafts Expo-2020 Director & Principal St. Joseph's Degree College 29-01-2020 30-01-2020   
Online Worshop on Library Automation Mr P.Ramesh,OU 21-07-2020 23-07-2020
World Literacy Day Director & Principal St. Joseph's Degree College 09-09-19
2018-19 Art & Craft Expo Sri Raja Goud Drawing Teacher & Faiza Tabassum Atena School Teacher 16-02-19
Awareness Program on Road Safety Measures Director & Principal St. Joseph's Degree College 14-09-18
Skill Developement Program   Best Out of Waste Faiza Tabassum Atena School Teacher 13-08-18

